Among the chosen 190 countries2, India ranked 63rd in Doing Business 2020: World Bank Report. In 2014, the Government of India launched an ambitious program of regulatory reforms aimed at making it easier to do business in India.

Corruption has been one of the persistent problems affecting India from last many years. In India, corruption is growing in the form of bribes, evasion of tax and exchange controls, fraud and cheating, among others. It is the upshot of the link between bureaucracy, politics and criminals.
Although the economic reforms in 1991 lowered the level of the red tape, bureaucracy and the License Raj Yet, India ranks 85 in Transparency International's corruption index.
There are many causes behind the spread of corruption in the country which are as follows:
- Deterioration of the ethical qualities and moral values of people working as govt. administrators.
- Low salaries of government officials in such highly inflationary economy compel them to switch towards corruption.
- Complex laws and procedures alienate common people to ask for any help from government.
- The giant problems of poor economic infrastructure and illiteracy take the general public towards corrupted lifestyle.
- Last but not the least one is the tolerance of people towards corruption, there is lack of protest against corruption.