History of Visual Art Forms in India

Art in India interlaces with the cultural history, religions and philosophies with their origin from the deepest roots in the history of civilization. 

The Indian art forms also reflect the influence of foreign races to some extent but maintain the exquisiteness of pure, aesthetic Indian form.

visual art 

Indian Art is considered the amalgamation of spirituality and sensuality, symbolism and reality from pre-historic to the present era. 

India is also the proud birth place of three of the world's greatest religions Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism whose reflections are clearly visible in the art forms present in India along with influence of Mughals and European Colonies.

 visual art

Indian Art work is influenced by the particular religion depicting Gods and Goddesses along with their preaching and different incidents from the religious legends. The ancient specimens of the Indian art also reveal different stages of the life and lifestyle of the common man at then times.

Indian Art can be broadly classified into Performing Arts and Visual Arts where the prior comprises of Dance, Drama and Music while Visual Art can be further classified into Architectures, Sculptures and Paintings.

Architecture can be described as an art of organizing space, functionally and beautifully. Painting is the most delicate forms of art giving expression to human thoughts and feelings through the media of line and color. 

Sculpture includes the carving of human forms, flora and fauna along with large number of deities on hard substances like stones, bronze or any other metal. Explore more about different types of Visual Arts in the Indian history.

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