Numerous labour laws are made which regulates employment in India for the smooth functioning of industrial relations in the country. There over fifty national laws and many more state-level laws.
The GDP growth for quarter 1 of FY2021-22 (April-June) was at 20.3 per cent, for quarter 2 (July-September) at 8.5 per cent, for quarter 3 (October-December) at 5.4 per cent, and quarter 4 (January to March this year) at 4.1 per cent.
For the full year (April 2021 to March 2022), the country's economic growth of 8.7 per cent was lower than the 8.9 per cent the government had projected three months back. First, the Covid-induced curbs and then the war in Ukraine added to higher commodity prices and a supply squeeze.
The female labor participation rate in India had fallen to 20.3% in 2019 from more than 26% in 2005. According to the Census 2011, the total number of female workers in India is 149.8 million and female workers in rural and urban areas are 121.8 and 28.0 million respectively. Out of total 149.8 million female workers, 35.9 million females are working as cultivators and another 61.5 million are agricultural laborer's.
While conforming to the essentials of the laws of contracts, a contract of employment must adhere also to the provisions of labor laws and the rules contained under the Standing Orders of the establishment.
The Minimum Wages Act 1948 has classified workers as:
While conforming to the essentials of the laws of contracts, a contract of employment must adhere also to the provisions of labor laws and the rules contained under the Standing Orders of the establishment.
The Minimum Wages Act 1948 has classified workers as:
- Unskilled
- Semi-skilled
- Skilled
- Highly skilled
Collective labour law
- The Industrial Disputes Act (1947) requires companies employing more than 100 workers to seek government approval before they can fire employees or close down. In practice, permissions for firing employees are rarely granted.
- Trade Unions Act 1926
Individual labour law
There are more than 55 central labour laws and over 100 state labour laws according to All India Organization of Employers.- The Contract Labour Act (1970) prohibits companies from hiring temporary workers. Women are not permitted to work at night shifts.
- Minimum Wages Act 1948
- Weekly Holidays Act 1942
- Beedi and Cigar Workers Act 1966