He studied under the tutelage of Reverend W H Drewett in Manchester, where he learnt Latin, Greek, German, Italian, French, Arithmetic and Geography. Aurobindo was also a journalist and his first philosophical magazine called Arya was published in 1914.
His newspaper Vande Mataram got him enormous fame. The evolutionary philosophy underlying Aurobindo’s integral yoga is explored in his main prose work, The Life Divine (1939).
Aurobindo’s voluminous literary output comprises philosophical speculation, many treatises on yoga and integral yoga, poetry, plays, and other writings. In addition to The Life Divine, his major works include Essays on the Gita (1922), Collected Poems and Plays (1942), The Synthesis of Yoga (1948), The Human Cycle (1949), The Ideal of Human Unity (1949), Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol (1950), and On the Veda (1956).
He entered the University of Cambridge, where he became studied in two classical and several modern European languages. After returning to India in 1892, he worked for various administrative and professorial posts in Baroda (Vadodara) and Calcutta (Kolkata). Turning to his native culture, he began the serious study of Yoga and Indian languages, including classical Sanskrit.
Sri Aurobindo completely dedicated himself to practicing spirituality and for philosophical pursuits in Pondicherry. According to Sri Aurobindo there was a hidden spiritual meaning in the Vedas. He viewed the “Rig Veda” as a spiritual text.
His work got him nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1943. He was also nominated in 1950 for the Nobel Prize for Peace.
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