Sikhism is comparatively a new and fresh religion to India established by Guru Nanak Dev. Sikhism was founded in the 16th century in the district of Punjab, present day Pakistan About 2% of total population in India is Sikh are instantly recognise by the Turbans, beards and long hairs.
He known as Guru, as he teach humanity and his followers were known as Sikhs or learners. As in India, anyone who teaches is called a Guru, the followers of Nanak, soon were called Sikhs (a student).

During the formative years the followers of Sikhism tried to abolish some of the practices like sati, caste system and untouchability from India.
Everyone bestowed with the equal rights, however this religion doesn’t believes in the superstitions like fasting. The religion does not have a clergy class as it considers this as a gateway to corruption. However, they have readers and singers in their temples.
Sikhism History
During the term of Guru Gobind as the Sikh Guru, the reign of Punjab was in the hands of Mughals. Some of the Mughal rulers like Aurengzeb tried to convert non-Muslims to Muslims.In order to stop all these persecutions, Guru Gobind changed his and his followers surname to Singh which means Lion. He wanted the community to be that of fighters who could fight for their rights.
Identity of the Sikhs
As the Rajputs also had the surname of Singh, in order to make it easier for his followers to recognize each other, Guru Gobind Singh, chose five marks, some of which even today symbolize the Sikhs. The five signs were-- Kesh (uncut hairs)
- Kara (Bracelet on the right hand wrist)
- Kanga (Comb)
- Kirpan (Sword)
- Kacchara (shorts)
Sikhism Beliefs
• Sikhism is a monotheistic religion and represented in one word called Ik Onkar means, ‘One God’.
- A place where Sikhs worship is called Gurdwara, as they believed that God is everywhere. However, the holiest shrine of Sikhism is Golden temple in Amritsar, Punjab.
- The primary source of Scriptures is Guru Granth Sahib, regarded as a living Guru.
- Sikhism, with a unique feature of sharing the common kitchen called Langer. As every sikh is supposed to prepare meal in the kitchen. However, they are supposed to be served on the floor and points that everyone is equal.
- A good life is a part of community, by living honestly and caring for others in your life.
Guru Nanak
Date of birth- 5 April,
Guruship on -1469 20 August, 1507
Date of Ascension- 22 September, 1539
Guru Angad
Date of birth- 31 March, 1504
Guruship on -7 September, 1539
Date of Ascension- 29 March, 1552
Guru Amar Das
Date of birth- 5 May, 1479
Guruship on- 26 March, 1552
Date of Ascension-1 September, 1574
Guru Ram Das
Date of birth- 24 September, 1534
Guruship on 1 September- 1574
Date of Ascension- 1 September- 1581
Guru Arjan Dev
Date of birth- 15 April, 1563
Guruship on- 1 September- 1581
Date of Ascension- 30 May, 1606
Guru Har Gobind
Date of birth- 19 June, 1595
Guruship on -25 May, 1606
Date of Ascension- 28 February, 1644
Guru Har Rai
Date of birth- 16 January, 1630
Guruship on- 3 March, 1644
Date of Ascension- 6 October, 1661
Guru Har Krishan
Date of birth -7 July, 1656
Guruship on -6 October, 1661
Date of Ascension- 30 March, 1664
Guru Tegh Bahadur
Date of birth -1 April, 1621
Guruship on -20 March, 1665
Date of Ascension- 11 November, 1675
Guru Gobind Singh
Date of birth- 22 December, 1666
Guruship on- 11 November, 1675
Date of Ascension-7 October, 1708